Saturday, April 9, 2011

Week 9 - Folio Progress

Week 9 - Folio Progress

I am currently still in the planning stages of my folio so I will include the timeline devolped for creation of images. I will document my progress as it unfolds starting in the holiday period.

During the three weeks of holiday period I will need to use this time constructively to prepare for commencement of shooting in week 1. This could also be an excellent opportunity to begin photography location images. Tasks that will need to be completed include;
- Sourcing a place to print
- Sourcing a place to mount
- Sourcing Props/Locations/Products/equipment/access
- Aim to have the first shoot from both location and studio prepared for and ready to shoot the first week back
- Commence location shooting
- Contact AIS to allow access to photograph on premises

Week 10 : 2.5.2011
The first week back I will begin shooting and doing the necessary post production (minor retouching on studio images) on the first images from both location, being the landscape image and studio, the close up image.
- Book studio, Hasselblad and Macro lens
- Shoot Close Up image in Studio (consideration of two different objects)
- Landscape Image
- Post production for best two images from each shoot
- All four images prepared for printing and digital submissions including raw files and slideshow template
- Prepare Week 2 shoots including confirmation on products, props and locations etc.

Week 11 : 9.5.2011
The second week I will aim to begin shooting and doing the necessary post production on the second images from both location, being the architectural interior image and studio, the glassware image.

- Book studio and Hasselblad
- Photograph Glassware image in Studio (consideration of two different objects)
- Photograph Architectural Interior image
- Post production for best two images from each shoot
- All four images prepared for printing and digital submissions including raw files and slideshow template
- Prepare Week 3 shoots including confirmation on products, props and locations etc.
The reason I am selecting and doing postproduction on the two best images from each shoot is the requirements are 6 photographs from both location and studio but only four have specific tasks. The other two may be the next best images from two shoots or I may need to reshoot two entirely different objects or two different locations or perspectives of locations. Either way I aim to finish shooting with 16 finished images in order to pick the best 12.

Week 12 : 16.5.2011
During the third week I will aim to begin shooting and doing the necessary post production on the third tasks from both location, being the Architectural Exterior image and studio, the chrome or shiny object.
- Book studio and Hasselblad
- Photograph chrome/shiny object (consideration of two different objects)
- Photograph Architectural Exterior image
- Post production for best two images from each shoot
- All four images prepared for printing and digital submissions including raw files and slideshow template
- Prepare Week 4 shoots including confirmation on products, props and locations etc.

Week 13 : 23.5.2011
In the fourth week back I will aim to begin shooting and doing the necessary post production on the final tasks from both location, being the Industrial image and studio, which is the image demonstrating camera movements. I will then need to make sure that all images are completed and edited. This week I will also need to do any potential reshoots if necessary. Once I have the final 16 images I will need to make sure they are cohesive and work together consistently, final retouching may be required for this aspect. Once happy with the final 12 I intend to use an online printing company, most likely digital works as I have been happy with their work in the past, and upload the final 12 images for printing.
- Book studio, Hasselblad and tilt shift adapter
- Photograph Demonstrating Camera Movements product in Studio (consideration of two different objects)
- Photograph Industrial image
- Post production for best two images from each shoot
- All four images prepared for printing and digital submissions including raw files and slideshow template
- Reshoot if needed
- Select final 12 and send to printers

Week 14: 30.5.2011
By the end of this week I will aim to have all my final preparations in order to submit in two weeks time. I will receive the prints this week and get them mounted at Framing Pieces in Mitchell or alternatively mount them by hand. Once prints are mounted they will be wrapped up and ready for submission so there is no last minute rushes in the week that they are due.
- Prints returned by post
- Reprint if any issues
- Mounting
- Digital Files ready for submission

Week 15 : 6.6.2011
My current aim is to have all images ready by week 14. From past experience there has always been a last minute rush to make sure everything is printed and mounted. Planning two weeks ahead will give me sufficient time to correct any printing or mounting errors should any arise. This extra time I feel is important to plan ahead should any unforeseen circumstances arise and the timeline doesn’t go to schedule there is an extra week to adjust any required finishing touches.

Week 16 DUE: 16.6.2011
All images are completed both digitally and hardcopy ready for submitting and presentations.

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